Understanding folders


Folders provide an effective means for intuitively grouping browsers with similar characteristics together. We recommend that all browsers from the same manufacturer be grouped together under the same folder or multiple folders. Similarly all browsers or other agents which serve a similar purpose should be grouped together as well. For example, all search agents should be grouped together.


As a further example, in maindefs.bdf you will see a folder called "Internet Explorer". Inside that folder are definitions for IE versions 1 - 4. Grouping browsers this way has many distinct advantages. For one, the browsers are visually together to allow navigate and view the browser data in a quick and intuitive way.


Secondly, and most importantly, using folders allows you to quickly set properties similarly for a given group of browsers. If you find that a property should be set the same for all browsers under a given folder, you can change it in all browsers by checking the "Apply to new value setting to child browsers" option box at the bottom of the Properties Form.


The next time you define a new IE browser, say IE version 5, the initial property settings defined in the folder you are creating the Browser under will be used as the default settings, instead of the Default Browser’s settings.


See Also:

Working with folders

The Folder/Browser Window Pane

Browser and folder object hierarchy and inheritance

Understanding browsers

Understanding properties

Understanding filters