OSDetails Property


Type: String


OSDetails returns the user-friendly name of the operating system, based on the OS type and version.  In the case of Windows, it returns values such as "Windows XP", "Windows 2000", "Windows Vista", "Windows 7", and "Windows 8".  In the case of OS X it returns values such as "OS X Tiger", "OS X Snow Leopard", and "OS X Lion". In the case of other operating systems it returns the name of the OS followed by the version number, if available.


Starting with BrowserHawk 14, the OSDetails property can be checked as an extended property by specifying "OSDetails" in your call to SetExtProperties. However doing so is much slower than testing this property as a basic property (not performing an extended property test on it). However in the case of Opera version 10 and earlier on OS X, the extended property version will return the details of the OS, whereas the basic property version will not. Also for users on operating systems besides Windows and OS X, such as Linux, some additional details may be provided through the extended property version. If these cases are very important to you, use the extended property version. Otherwise this basic version will provide the same results, but much faster.


Tip: See Detecting Operating System Details for examples of the possible values returned by this property.


See Also:

Detecting Operating System Details

OSName Property

OSVersion Property

OSBitSize Property

BrowserBitSize Property