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Google Chrome browser detected as Safari
Created: 9/2/2008    Updated: 9/4/2008
Q   The new Google Chrome browser is detected as Safari 1.0. Why is this?

A   Versions of BrowserHawk prior to 11.03 will detect Chrome as Safari 1.0. Furthermore certain extended properties, such as the Java properties, will not be detectable.

Detection of Google Chrome was added to BrowserHawk starting with version 11.03, and requires this version of BH in conjunction with the latest browser definition files (distributed with 11.03 and also available on the browser definition update server8).

The upgrade to BH 11.03 is free to all customers with a Support and Maintenance Plan valid through September 3, 2008 or later.

If your support and maintenance is current you can visit the Upgrade page for details on how to obtain the update. If your support and maintenance expired prior to this date, you can purchase an upgrade to BH 11.03.

Note: Because this is a major new browser it is not possible to account for Chrome simply with a browser definition update. Rather, you must use BH 11.03 or later in conjunction with v11.03 of the browser definition file.

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