The Enterprise Edition of CountryHawk automatically keeps track of the number of requests received per country. This feature is extremely handy if you wish to process web log files in batch processing to produce statistics on the number of requests per country. This feature is also handy if you wish to keep track of these stats as visitors come to your web site for display in real-time (as opposed to batch log processing).
With the ActiveX/COM version of CountryHawk these statistics are automatically gathered every time you use Server.CreateObject to create the CountryHawk object, or every time you call CountryHawk's Initialize method. With the native .NET version of CountryHawk, these statistics are automatically gathered every time you use the GetCountry() static method of the CountryObj class.
Statistics on hits by country and hits by region are exposed programmatically through the CountryStats and RegionStats objects, as described in the next sections.
See Also:
Collecting Stats by Batch Processing Log Files