JavaVersion Property


Type: String


Returns the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version that an applet will execute under using the <applet> tag, or returns "" if undetectable. An example return value is "1.4.1".


Note: If you kept the default option of not checking for Java version / vendor during the installation, BrowserHawk did not prompt you during the install for the location of where this .class file should be stored. Instead the JVMDetector.class file was stored in your \Program Files\cyScape\BrowserHawk\JVM directory. You must copy this file to a directory accessible from your web site prior to checking the JavaVersion and JavaVendor properties.


Note: You must call the GetExtPropertiesEx method before checking the value of this property. This property requires the Enterprise Edition of BrowserHawk.


Tip: See the extproperties.asp example located in your BrowserHawk directory for detailed information and examples on using this property.



<% set bhObj = Server.CreateObject("cyScape.browserObj")

bhObj.SetExtProperties "JavaVersion"



<html>Java version is:

<% if bhObj.Browser = "Opera" then

PropVal = "Not available with Opera"

elseif bhObj.Browser = "IE" and LCase(left(bhObj.Platform,3)) = "mac" then

PropVal = "Not available with IE on Macintosh"


PropVal = bhObj.JavaVersion

end if

response.write PropVal %>



Special notes for this property:


See Also:

Additional Steps Required for Java based properties

JavaVendor Property

JavaEnabled Property

JavaApplets Property

MSJVMBuild Property

Plugin_JavaVer Property

GetExtPropertiesEx Method

SetExtProperties Method

CompareVersions Method